Short Fuse Banner

Let's get in touch!

Contacting Us

(714) 257-5433 -Orange County  (Best number to use) (TEXT also)

(909) 606-5887 -Inland Empire

(877) 789-1655        Toll Free

   When you press this,  it will ask you to place your name and phone number in the box.  Then it will call you, and then it will call us.  It's by Google and it's really neat!  Try it out.


 Mission Inn

Steve -Photography, Inquiries, Album Design, Webmaster


Lecia - Production, Inquiries,  Album Design                                             

 Skype: Screen Name: LifetimeImages   - 

Thank you for browsing our site!  You may be searching around on this website and have some questions, or may want more information on certain things. Feel free to call us, or at the very least send us an e-mail.    Don't think anything is too small or silly to ask us.  We'd be glad to hear from you!

We understand that there is a lot to this website and at the very least it may bring up a few questions.  We're very good at getting back to people via e-mail.  Sometimes brides are reluctant to contact a vendor if they aren't ready to meet and hire this  particular vendor.  We understand, and no, it's never too early to contact us, even if you don't plan on booking a photographer until much later.  

Our preferred method of communication is either e-mail or phone. We can text message you as well for quick questions you may have.  If you are phoning a good time to get ahold of us is usually business hours. We try to answer e-mails by the next business day. 


So, please feel free to contact us, we look forward to it!

 Contacting You

We certainly appreciate if you take a few seconds to fill out the form below and tell us more about you and your wedding..  Don't worry, the information you fill out won't be seen by anybody else but us.  As soon as you fill out the form we'll get the information and get back to you quickly.  


Please answer a few quick questions and we'll be in contact!

Your First Name 

Your Last Name 

Your E-Mail Address  

Your Phone Number   

Your Wedding Date    

Please take a moment to let us know more about your wedding, and best way to contact you, we'll get back to you quickly.  Believe it or not we really do read everything you write, so take your time and tell us about your wedding. Feel free to write as little or as much as you like. 

Please Click on the "Submit"  button below
